Res ipsa loquitur.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

House S5 Ep1

People get what they get.

People die.

Find a meaning. And do something.

That's blackmail.

Your friendship matters to me than that patient.

Mind if I come in?

No. Mind if I leave?

Not everybody's created equal.

Then I suggest you don't stand there like idiots.

Almost dying doesn't change anything. Dying changes everything.

I've been trying to, like I always do, to protect you.


posted by JenShinrai at 11:51 0 comments

CSI:NY S1 Ep16

Trust is not negotiable.
--Mrs. Stupaine

Now what, are you gonna sit there like a piece of furniture?
--Detective Aidan


posted by JenShinrai at 10:13 0 comments

Friday, September 12, 2008


Once you cared about a person, it was impossible to be logical about them anymore.
--Bella Swan

Love is irrational... The more you loved someone, the less sense anything made.
--Bella Swan

You don't want to be rash about permanent things.
--Bella Swan

You can't push what you don't have.
--Jacob Black

posted by JenShinrai at 15:51 0 comments

New Moon

It would be stupid to encourage hallucinations.
--Bella Swan

Forbidden to remember, terrified to forget; it was a hard line to walk.
--Bella Swan

Normal memories were still dangerous.
--Bella Swan

Attention is never a good thing... No one wants a spotlight when they're likely to fall on their face.
--Bella Swan

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posted by JenShinrai at 15:19 0 comments


...Old enough not to shoot myself by accident,
and not depressed enough to shoot myself on purpose.

--Bella Swan

The wasting of finite resources is everyone's business.
--Edward Cullen

Making decisions was the painful part for me, the part I agonized over.
--Bella Swan

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posted by JenShinrai at 15:12 0 comments

Chuck Bass

That in the face of true love, you just don't give up.
--Chuck Bass, Gossip Girl S1 Ep18

posted by JenShinrai at 15:09 0 comments

Monday, September 08, 2008

3 Parts

Part 18

“It only seems strange that you should miss me when you have all that your heart desires with you.”

“I miss you even now, when I’m with you. It’s not like it used to be.”

She was Muse, after all. Gone when you wanted her most.


Part 19

I’m not hiding. I’m willing to be found.


Part 24

Everyone dies sad and lonely. Everyone dies with pain and regret. Everyone dies with their bones on the outside, their blood in a pool, alone in the dark and the cold.

Hate gets too much of the blame. Love is what truly kills.


posted by JenShinrai at 12:47 0 comments

The Two Muse

You could make him forget her. And you know that. You just like to suffer, I think.
--Dream, part 16

"I see it in the morning, I see it in the evening, it haunts me at night.
Day is spent feigning life,
seeing if I can pretend that all is well and I am not dead.

I am the ghost and the ghost is me.
No one else sees it, no one else knows,

but the mirror shows what I have become.”
--written in a paper

You may as well lie to yourself as to me.
--Young Muse

Your path is your path and mine is mine.
--Old Muse

You want to know how to throw your lives away, you must find your own way.
--Old Muse


posted by JenShinrai at 12:25 0 comments

Dreamers, part 12

It’s easy for you, you are Joy, it’s in your nature to be happy and content. I’m given far too much towards brooding about things. I cannot help it.
--The First Muse

No one knows what lies beyond the here and now. Perhaps it is for the best.

Love played no part in this, and she was quite sure that he need not mean anything to her, for there was no danger from the lack of him.


posted by JenShinrai at 11:52 0 comments


No one else sees it, no one else knows, but the mirror shows what I have become.
--Part 1

Fickle Muse, always just out of reach, always hiding, never satisfied, no matter where she goes.
--Dream, part 8

“Cryptic Dream,” Muse returned, “never making sense no matter what she says.”

--Muse, part 8

I would rather be alone than share half a life with a person who is only using me as a substitute.

--Muse, part 11

I will not be the only person in this sad little triangle who is not truly loved by someone.
--Muse, part11

I am no one’s substitute. I’m not that desperate for companionship.
--Muse, part 12

We are Immortal, not invincible.
--Wisdom, part 12

Apparently, the solitary life isn’t healthy.
--Muse, part 12


posted by JenShinrai at 11:05 0 comments

Friday, September 05, 2008

GG Finale

What kind of mother does not know that her son is gay?
--Lily van der Woodsen

The people we know most about are the ones capable of surprising us.
--Rufus Humphrey

In the face of true love, you never give up.
--Chuck Bass

posted by JenShinrai at 09:16 0 comments

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Ep12: School Lies

As for me, I only want to be with you.

posted by JenShinrai at 18:26 0 comments